Punjab Research Group

cfp: Sikholars Graduate Student Conference in Sikh and Punjab Studies, Stanford University

Posted in Conferences by Pippa on November 26, 2014

Call for Papers

For the past five years, the Jakara Movement has created a forum for budding scholars and researchers, working on various projects related to Sikhs, to come together, share, and challenge one another. For the past two years, we have found a home with Stanford University’s Center of South Asia and have formed an engaging partnership.

This year we do it again, with the additional support of the Sarbjit Singh Aurora Chair in Sikh and Punjabi Studies at UC Santa Cruz.  We are pleased to announce our call for papers for Sikholars 2015. The Sikholars conference has attracted young scholars from over three continents and twenty–five universities. With topics ranging from Khalistan to Unix Coding, from sex-selective abortion to diasporic literature, from Nihangs in the court of Ranjit Singh to the North American bhangra circuit, from Sikh sculpture and architecture to representations of masculinity in Punjabi films, we encourage the widest possible range of those pursuing graduate studies on Sikh-related topics.

While all topics are welcomed and panels will be formed around their various themes—this year we seek to form two panels for special consideration.

The Guru Granth Sahib
For Sikholars 2015, we are hosting a special panel around the theme of the Guru Granth Sahib. From digital transmission and apps to history and material studies culture, from musicology to codicology, we welcome any number of approaches. Please indicate on the application if your subject is related to this theme.

Technology and Entrepreneurship Panel
Due to the widespread interest and demand from attendees, we again will have a special panel devoted to technological entrepreneurship. The panel will be limited to three panelists.

The conference will be held over the President’s Day weekend from February 14–15, 2015 at Stanford University. It is sponsored by the Center for South Asia at Stanford University and the Jakara Movement.

Proposals for individual papers should be no more than 250 words in length and may be uploaded at the conference website, with a current CV/resume.

Last year, 175+ community members came to participate and converse. We expect an even greater attendance this year with more thought-provoking papers. Be part of the conversation and mark your calendars for this unique experience.

Abstracts Submission Deadline: December 12, 2014

For more information, please visit our website http://www.sikholars.org